Cookies are used by our website to enable the functionality of certain areas to make it easier for users visiting our website. Some of our advertising partners may also use cookies. None of these cookies are used to retrieve personal data.
Google Analytics is installed in order to monitor and review user traffic. You have the right to block cookies if you do not wish to be "marked".
Tools have been installed to enable you to share the website pages on social networks. To protect you against the improper use of these tools, we have not made them "active" by default. They become "active" and therefore operational as soon as you click on the website's icons (Facebook, Twitter, ect.). If you block the cookies, these tools will no longer be viewable.
We do our best to meet the recommendations of the CNIL in order to protect your privacy and personal data.
* A cookie is a small text file created bby a website that is stored in the user's computer either temporarily fot that session only or permanently on the hard disk. Cookies provide a way for the website to recognize you and keep track of your preferences.